Monday, February 25, 2013

Ocean Acid Levels High

Photo: Fish swimming over coral

For millions of years, "Earth's oceans have maintained a relatively stable acidity level". In this consistent envrionment the various forms of life in today's seas have lived and thrived. Unfortunately, the Industrial Revolution brought on "emissions of billions of tons of carbon dioxide" and other harmful gases. Now scientists now that this CO2 has been absorbed into the oceans over time. While this has helped us humans by delaying the climate changes these gases would have caused, it is greatly harming sea life. This increase in CO2 has caused reproductive disorders in some fish and has harmed the shell growth process of many marine animals, including coral. While this area of study is a reletaviley new subject, scietists know that unless humans can control and eventually eliminate their fossil fuel emissions, ocean organisms will have to change their chemistry or they will die.

This was a summary of the article found here:

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Look at the Great Barrier Reef

Three years ago, National Geographic posted a video entitled Exploring Oceans: Great Barrier Reef on YouTube  This video shows some of the incredible and sometimes comical creatures that call coral reefs home! This video also discusses the importance of the Great Barrier Reef and talks a little about the threats it faces, including pollution. I encourage you to watch this video and see the wonder of the Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef in the world.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun with Coral Reefs

MacGilivray Freeman Films recently created an IMAX movie called Coral Reef adventures. This film showed the beauty and wonder of the world's beautiful coral reefs. Their website tells you more about the making of the film, the importance of coral reefs and where you can find the film. It also had a FunZone with fun activities regarding Coral Reefs. I encourage you to visit the link below! Try your hand at the knowledge test or even try a memory game!