Friday, March 29, 2013

Different Kinds of Coral

Today I figured we could learn about a few different types of coral! There are many different kinds but today we'll learn about three types: brain coral, soft coral and the purple sea fan. 

Brain Coral- Lobophyllia

This coral gets its name because it looks quite similar to a human brain. These coral reefs are found in upper reef slopes and lagoons. They are very strong and are able to stand through very strong currents. These corals can grow for hundreds of years. They can reach a maximum width of 7 feet. This coral needs lots of light so they sleep during the day and eat at night. These plants eat phytoplankton, zooplankton and tiny plants. 

Soft Coral- Alcyonacea

These corals are most abundant in tropical waters but can be found in every ocean. Soft coral can grow larger than 2 feet and can grow as deep as 150 feet. These corals are called "soft" because tehy do no form a hard outer skeleton. They use chemicals to defent themselves since they do not have a "protective shell". They use chemicals to clean themselves as well. Unfortunately this chemical makes it so that other corals can't grow in the area. 

Purple Sea Fan- Gorgonia Ventalina

This coral is a very unique coral. This coral grows in the shape of a fan with a very distinctive purple color. These can be found in large quantities. They can grow in outer and rim reefs as well as shallow waters. They like constantly flowing water because it helps them feed and breathe. They can grow to be 6.5 ft tall and 5 feet across. 

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Great Barrier Reef Video

Here is an interesting video to warm you up after such a cold, long week! In this video, Travel Channel's Shane O shows us one of the 7 wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Not only do you learn more information from Shane you also get to enjoy the otherworldly beauty of this reef.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Coral Reefs Can Keep You Healthy

Did you know that coral reefs actually help to keep you healthy? I didn't either! It turns out that coral reefs have lots of interesting and helpful medicinal compounds. These have compounds have already led to a few important drugs but there are still many to be discovered! Coral reefs have helped with treatments for ulcers, cancers, HIV and heart disease. Mostly coral reefs are used for cancer research though. In fact, "more than half of all new cancer drug research focuses" on these marine organisms. Due to the importance coral reefs have in our lives, we should really work towards saving these beautiful creatures.

Monday, March 4, 2013

How Pollution Affects Coral Reefs

In the years to come, coral reefs will face many environmental changes and problems. Reefs that are closer to human habitats will also face poor water quality and human pollution. Run off can ead to poor water quality which decreases oxygen levels. This can cause significant damage to coral reefs. Another problem these coral reefs encounter is marine debris, any human made object that is left in the ocean. These debris can damage coral reefs as well as those species that live in coral reefs. To learn more details about these forms of pollution please visit: